Former members say that portions of Hubbard's writings on this remote extraterrestrial past are included in confidential Upper Levels and are not revealed until thousands of dollars have been paid to the Church of Scientology. Scientology includes the belief that souls ("thetans") reincarnate and have lived on other planets before living on Earth. Scientology promotes spiritual rehabilitation through a type of counseling referred to as "auditing".Study materials and auditing courses are made available to members in return for specified donations. Scientology teaches that people are immortal spiritual beings who have forgotten their true nature. SCIENTOLOGY: Scientology is a body of beliefs and related practices created by L. This leaves the Maasai with the belief that cattle are a direct link to Ngai and that he intended that all cattle were for the Maasai. This created a gap between the heavens and earth, which stopped the flow of the cattle to the Maasai. When a jealous group of hunters did not receive any cattle they cut the bark from the sky. The Maasai people received all these cattle. When the sky and earth split he sent all the cattle down from the sky along a long bark rope. Ngai was once a human who owned all the cattle in the world. Ngaiism: has no buildings, as the real religion never did, so them are replaced by the god's blesses, departing from a root one, Ngai bless, the creator god. In their believes they stablish that gods made human kind to serve them as servants, but, when man became to many, gods have to release them. It was a polytheistic religion, with antropomorphics gods representing forces or beeings of the world, like much later greeks will do. Mesopotamic religion is a global name given to Sumerian, Assyrian and Babilonic mythology. A druid is much more than a normal missionary, it has 2 strenght (can only defend, but has 100% on hills and woods) and heal 1 promotion, also, building druids is the only way to get the druidism buildings, as far as a druid is the only one able to build/discover the nature secrets ( it works like a great prophet ), and, of course, druids spread druidism. Our knowledge of Norse paganism is mostly drawn from the results of archaeological field work, etymology and early written materials.ĭRUID: Druidism doesn't work as usual religions does ,it has a big difference, the druids. Norse paganism is therefore a subset of Germanic paganism, which was practiced in the lands inhabited by the Germanic tribes across most of Northern and Central Europe in the Viking Age. The realms were represented by the condor (upper world), puma (outer earth) and snake (inner earth).ĪSATRU: Asatru is a term used to describe the religious traditions which were common amongst the Germanic tribes living in Nordic countries prior to and during the Christianization of Northern Europe. Cay Paca, the realm of the outer earth, where humans resided was viewed as a intermediary realm between Hanan Paca and Ukhu Paca. Hanan Paca, the upper world, consisted of the deities of the sun, moon, stars, rainbow, and lightning while Ukhu and Hurin Pacas were the realms of Pachamama, the earth mother, and the ancestors and heroes of the Inca. The realms were separated into the upper and lower realms. * BtS: Final Frontier (just some unit graphics)ĪNDEAN: A prominent theme in Inca mythology is the duality of the Cosmos. + much more, see RoM Concepts pedia pages in-game * User configurable options (see: BUG options and Rise of Mankind Config.ini) * Unit order enhancements, icons show each units current task * Tech diffusion, civs can't fall too far behind in tech race * Tech conquest, conquering enemy cities boosts your research * More game alerts, extra information about cities and diplomacy options * Modified Religions (each religion is more unique) * Fight in the future era with futuristic units * Faster expansion in late game: Colonists and Pioneers build cities with preset buildings * 2 New Map sizes: Giant (54% bigger than Huge), Gigantic (50% bigger than Giant ie. * 33 Unit categories, modern units are superior to ancient units *Animal Placement, really nice if you have civics that have to have certain animals within its reach. *Great Person Mod, when a GP is grant a Pop-Up screen appears, looks great. *Slave mod, i really like this one, multipurpose use. *Espionage mod, using melee units get and mounted get (you need Flanking first before the gold will showup for Mounted units) *Militia mod, you must have the Civic Charity for it to work.